by Amy Gordon, IFOPA Board Chair
The first week of February the IFOPA Board had our annual in-person meeting. This is my fourth year on the board, but my first meeting as Chairman. My son, Zip, who is now 10, was diagnosed with FOP at age 4, and my involvement in the organization has grown over that time.
It was a pleasure to work with the board, staff, Dr. Kaplan, Amanda Cali, and Marilyn Hair (who serves as the US International President’s Council (IPC) representative) to discuss our plans for 2018. There was great discussion and collaboration for the opportunities that lie ahead.
We welcomed our newest board members, Kristi Gonzales and Megan Olsen.
The 2018 research strategy proposed by the Research Committee was reviewed and the team at UPenn delivered a presentation and led a discussion about what lies ahead for this year.
Basic board business such as budget approval, bylaws and board development training also took place.
One of the most exciting parts of the meeting for me, however, was the lengthy discussion we had about expanding the IFOPA’s family education and support programs. Our ultimate goal and purpose is to connect our global FOP community and be of service to you as you and your loved ones manage life with FOP.
I’m excited about some of the offerings in store for the year ahead, and I look forward to working with the IFOPA Board to advance FOP research and serve our FOP friends and families. Questions or comments for the Board are always welcome at [email protected].
Amy Gordon
IFOPA Board Chair