Your gift takes us one step closer to a cure
The International FOP Association (IFOPA) depends on the generous support of people like you to continue its mission of funding research to find a cure for FOP while supporting individuals and families through education awareness and advocacy.
The IFOPA is a 501c3 nonprofit organization, Federal Tax ID #: 59-2918100, so your donation is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Donate to an individual's personal fundraising campaign or start your own with Team #curefop.
Donate Online or by Mail or Phone
Click Donate Now to complete the online donation form and make one-time or recurring gifts using your credit card or debit card.
To donate by mail, please complete this form and send a check made out to IFOPA to:
IFOPA, PO Box 800084, Kansas City, MO 64180
To donate by phone, call the IFOPA English-speaking office staff at (816) 809-2772.
Honor/Memorial Gifts
Your gift to the IFOPA is an excellent way to remember or honor a loved one. Pay tribute to a friend or family member, or celebrate a special occasion, such as a birthday. The IFOPA will acknowledge your gift and promptly send an ecard or postcard to the individual you designate on your donation form.
Donation Envelopes
If you wish to request donation envelopes to have at a memorial service or special event, please call the IFOPA at (816) 809-2772 or send an email.
Donor-Advised Funds
DAF Direct makes it easy to support the IFOPA by giving directly from your donor-advised fund. Click here to get started.
Vehicle Donations
The IFOPA accepts cars, trucks, boats, RVs and other vehicles through Cars2CureFOP. When you donate, you support people with FOP and their families and also receive a tax deduction. If you have a vehicle you don’t need, consider donating it to the IFOPA to fund research and provide assistance to our FOP community. Get started by calling 855-500-RIDE (7433) or visit Cars2CureFOP. Free and convenient pick-up is provided within 72 hours of completing the donation.
Give While You Shop
iGive is an internet shopping mall where merchants give a percentage of proceeds to charity. Merchants include Land's End,, Barnes and Noble,, Microwarehouse, Sharper Image, Toys R Us, and many others. Click here to get started.
Giving Assistant
Earn cash back on purchases when you shop online through Giving Assistant. Then, opt to donate your cash back to the IFOPA!
GoodSearch and GoodShop is a search engine that donates half its revenue, about a penny per search, to charity. is an engine powered by Yahoo! which provides users with great results. To get started, visit and enter the International FOP Association as your charity of choice.
GoodShop, GoodSearch's shopping extension, donates a percentage of your online sale to the IFOPA from many popular online retailers. Participating stores include, Ebay and Gap. To get started, visit, click on the Shopping tab, select the IFOPA as your charity of choice and then click on the online shop links found on that page to access the sites. Simply purchase your products as you normally would, and the donation will be made automatically after the sale.
Tobi Cares
Tobi Cares makes it simple to support the IFOPA. When you register and shop online, Tobi will donate a portion of your purchase to help patients with FOP. Get started at
Workplace Giving
Employer Matching Gifts
Your employer may have a program to match the charitable contributions or volunteer hours you donate to the IFOPA. Consult with your Human Resource’s Department on the possibility of your donation going twice as far.
See if your employer matches donations:
United Way
To donate through the United Way, simply designate the IFOPA under the "Donor Option" section of your pledge card. Write the following in the blank provided: "International FOP Association (IFOPA), 1520 Clay St. Ste. H-2, North Kansas City, MO 64116" If you need assistance making a donation through United Way please contact the IFOPA office.
Electronic Transfer of Stocks & Securities
Electronic or depository trust company (DTC) transfers of stock through a broker can be made through the account held by the International FOP Association using the information listed below.
Electronic transfers DO NOT indicate the donor's name, so please contact us so that we can issue you a receipt for your donation.
The preferred account for transferring shares of publicly traded stock and/or mutual funds is:
Charles Schwab
DTC # 0164
Acct. # 6066-2885
For more information regarding Electronic Transfer Of Stocks & Securities, please contact Cathryn Roys at [email protected] or (843) 709-3244.