Self-Care For Caregivers and Adults with FOP: How Writing & Gratitude Can Keep You Grounded
Who: Individuals with FOP (over the age of 18), caregivers (parents, spouses/significant others, siblings) and bereaved family members
What: In this 6-week class you will learn how to create a regular 5-minute writing habit that has the power to change your brain. We include science-based writing practices which incorporate the following topics:
- How can you find gratitude even on the toughest of days?
- How does self-care make you a better parent, friend or companion?
- How can journal writing ground you?
You will have the opportunity to connect with other FOP community members, listen, share and be supported, all while learning easy practices that will improve your ability to cope. This popular class has for many participants been life-changing as they learn that it’s not only possible to take micro breaks—but it’s essential to their own well-being.
When: 6 Fridays, April 16 through May 21 at 10 am EDT/15:00 BST/7:30 pm IST
Where: All workshop sessions will be hosted on Zoom video conferencing and simultaneous translation** will be provided in the following languages: Arabic, Bengali, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Dutch, English, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Tamil and Vietnamese.
- Learn how to navigate Zoom
- Preview the instructions for turning on translation in a Zoom meeting
- You do not need a ZOOM account to join a meeting or webinar, but if you can download the ZOOM app to your computer, phone or tablet, it might make it easier. You can also join by phone. For IOS (iPhones, iPads), click here. For Androids, click here.
**Translation services and the Zoom video application can not be accessed at the same time on a single mobile device. If you're using a mobile device and want to access translation and see fellow attendees during a Zoom meeting, you will need a second mobile device or a computer to open translation services. With two mobile devices or a mobile device and a computer, you can participate in the Zoom meeting on one device and access written and audio translation on the other.