Interested in Participating in an FOP Research Study?

Blueprint Medicines conducting a one-time research study and looking for volunteers

Blueprint Medicines is looking for people with FOP to participate in a research study involving a one-time interview about their experience with FOP and to provide feedback on a questionnaire. No medication will be administered or tested during this study.
Adults and adolescents (ages 12 years or older) who have FOP may be eligible to participate. The interview will last approximately 90 minutes and may be conducted via telephone or videoconference (e.g. Skype). Each participant will receive $125 once the interview is completed.
For more information and to see if you're eligible to participate, please email Samantha Power, Research Recruitment Associate at Adelphi Values, or call (617) 720-0001 and provide your name, preferred contact telephone number, and reference the Adelphi Values FOP interview study. The clinical coordinator will provide you with more information on the study, answer any questions you may have and will arrange the next steps for your potential participation.
By participating in this non-treatment study, you will help educate the global health care community about FOP and inform the development of new FOP treatments. Please note that this research is different than participating in the IFOPA FOP Registry or Clementia Natural History Study. If you are currently participating in an FOP clinical drug trial, you are NOT eligible to participate in this study. 

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