See the key areas the IFOPA plans to focus on over the next three years
Board Chair Paul Brinkman shares some background about the strategic planning process and what lies ahead for the IFOPA over the next three years.
“The strategic planning process got underway early in 2015. The initial phase featured the gathering of input from key stakeholders, including our founder, Jeannie Peeper, and a lengthy discussion by the full Board during its February 2015, in-person meeting.
“With key strategic issues identified, Marilyn Hair, then Board Chair, appointed a Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) to begin building the strategic plan. It was agreed that an essential next step was to hire an Executive Director. The rest of 2015 was spent on that task, along with a further focus on and development of key issues. With Executive Director Michelle Davis on board, the SPC spent 2016 refining our vision and mission as well as developing the IFOPA’s core values and operating principles, goals, strategies, and achievement measures that comprise our strategic plan.
“Many thanks to fellow committee members: Chris Bedford-Gay, Betsy Bogard, Amanda Cali, Michelle Davis, Mark Gambaiana, Amy Gordon, Lori Henrotay, Joe Martucci, Gary McGuire, Rory Otto and Carol Tilley. Along with the views of committee members, key stakeholders including individuals living with FOP, parents, fundraisers and donors were interviewed. The planning process was further informed by interviews with staff at other rare disease organizations, clinicians, researchers in academia, and representatives from pharmaceutical companies.
“We will seek additional input from patients and families as we undertake activities and make changes as called for in the plan. Implementation will take time and lots of resources. We look forward to the challenge.”
See an overview of the Strategic Plan.