On November 20-22 the global FOP community came together for the first-ever Virtual FOP Family Gathering. Feedback during the event, on social media and in post-event surveys indicates that the community loved coming together online to connect, learn and grow.
Virtual Event Highlights
- 15 general session presentations
- 17 small group discussions for community members by Zoom
- 6 topical group discussions by Zoom
- Nearly 650 people registered
- 47 countries represented
- 17 live audio translations
If you attended and haven't completed the post-event questionnaire, it's not too late. Please provide your feedback on the event now.
If you registered and didn't get a chance to attend or would like to go back you can log in at this link to:
- Listen to a session again**
- Watch a session you missed**
- Further explore the exhibit hall resources
**Translation services for general session videos within the platform ended after the date of the live event. To encourage continued access for non-English speaking attendees and community members who did not register for the event, recordings of presentations will be added to YouTube in the near future for those speakers who provided consent to share their presentation outside of the event platform.
We are grateful to our generous sponsors whose support allowed us to make the event accessible to the global FOP community free of charge.
Visionary Sponsors
Leadership Sponsor
Gathering Supporter
Additional Sponsorship from Keros Therapeutics