Remember the IFOPA During the Holidays

This holiday season, it’s easier than ever to give back

Here are some simple ways to include the International FOP Association in your plans:

  • amazon_smile.JPGIf you’re doing your Black Friday shopping online, as well as on Cyber Monday, Nov. 28,select the “International FOP Association” as your AmazonSmile charity of choice. When you do, the IFOPA will receive .5% of eligible AmazonSmile purchases. Get started at
  • iGive.JPGYou can also shop some of your favorite retailers, including Lands End, Barnes & Noble and Toys "R" Us, through iGive. Through this site, merchants will give a percentage of proceeds back to the IFOPA. Start shopping here!
  • Consider making a gift to the IFOPA on #GivingTuesday, Nov. 29, and encourage your friends on social media to do the same. This year, our goal is to raise $3,000 which funds two Quality of L.I.F.E. (Living Independently with Full Equality) Awards. These awards improve the quality of life and independence of individuals living with FOP. Watch your email and social media for the #GivingTuesday link. Learn more about how FOP individuals can apply for a LIFE Award.
  • Dedicate your holiday season to the IFOPA. Consider starting a fundraising page in honor of someone special in your life and ask for donations instead of presents.
  • IFOPA_2016YearEndAppealRGB.jpgGet creative! Plan a holiday potluck, recruit a team for your local Turkey Trot or wrap presents for donations.

Any idea can be an opportunity to fundraise for the IFOPA. Contact Sara at [email protected] if you need some help. 

And don’t forget to make your tax-deductible year-end gift by Dec. 31. Donate Now!














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