Participating in the Virtual Conference

Accessing the Event

» Make sure to check your email each morning on October 16, 17 and 18 for important pieces of information to help you make the most of your experience. 

» An email account can only be signed in to one device (desktop computer, laptop, tablet, phone) at a time. If a family member would like to access the event from a separate device, they will need to register separately at before Sunday, October 19. Please note, those who register after November 15th may experience up to a 2-hour delay before receiving their access email to log into the event. 

» In order to login into the account, you must enter the First Name, Last Name, and email address you used to register for the event. After you hit the “Next” button you will be prompted to provide a verification code. This code will be sent to the email address and phone number (if applicable) you provided when registering for the event. You must be able to access this verification code to enter the event. 

» The event can be accessed on the internet browser of your mobile phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer. 

» Each day of the virtual event the link to log in will be included in your email of highlights and helpful information. However, you can log in at any time after Monday, November 13 using this link:

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