Four Kinase Inhibitors Currently in FOP Clinical Trials
On December 21, BioCryst announced they completed their Phase 1 first-in-humans study of BCX9250 – a kinase inhibitor developed for the treatment of FOP. You can read their release here.
You may be aware that there are several kinase inhibitors being investigated for the treatment of FOP. Below is a summary of those compounds.
In October 2020, the STOPFOP clinical trial announced that recruitment of their phase 2 trial of the drug saracatinib had resumed in Europe. The trial was launched in March but recruitment was immediately put on hold due to COVID-19. You can learn more about the STOPFOP trial here.
In August 2020, Keros Therapeutics announced they had completed their Phase 1 first-in-humans study of KER-047. You can read their release here.
In October 2019, Ipsen announced that they had purchased the compound BLU-782 from Blueprint Medicines who had also completed a Phase 1 first-in-humans study. That compound is now known as IPN60130 and Ipsen continues to pursue development.
As you can see, there is a great deal of activity in the development of this specific class of drug to treat FOP. We will keep you updated as new announcements are made. To learn more about the drug development process, watch our video The Drug Development Journey for FOP: How Medicines Comes Treatments.