Raising awareness and fundraising to help #cureFOP in Gig Harbor, Washington

On June 2, Nadine Großmann and her aunt, Mary Ann Hulett, held FOP Fun Day at Mary Ann’s home in Gig Harbor, Washington. Their goal was to raise awareness about FOP and raise money for family support programs and research. Nearly 50 friends and family learned about FOP and enjoyed great food and a fun raffle.
The event started with a presentation by Marilyn Hair who shared an informative talk about FOP. Nadine, who traveled from Germany for this event, then shared her personal FOP story. Finally, Zoltan Varga, a local scientist, shared about zebrafish which are used by several FOP researchers. Everyone left with plenty of information to spread awareness about FOP.
After the presentations, everyone enjoyed a potluck dinner and participated in a silent auction and raffle which raised over $1,400! Mary Ann shared, “The intrinsic rewards are immeasurable. It was very encouraging and we hope to be able to do this again someday.”
Thank you Mary Ann and Nadine for raising awareness and fundraising to help #cureFOP!

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