In our podcast for the 3rd quarter of the 2021 Advocacy Series, IFOPA Family Services Manager Hope Newport speaks with FOP medical expert Dr. Ed Hsiao of the University of California San Francisco about the best steps to take in creating and supporting a team to address your needs in the medical setting. Dr. Hsiao speaks to the responsibilities of the patient and the various key contributors on your multidisciplinary care team.
Begin Practicing Simple Strategies Start Advocating in the Medical Setting:
- Download this quarter’s Advocating in the Medical Setting Worksheet (pictured right) and try a few of the activities to help you start prioritizing your needs and getting organized to be your own best advocate for your healthcare needs. This PDF can be printed and filled in by hand or completed on your computer using free Adobe software you can download at Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Community Panel
If you missed this quarter's community panel featuring the experiences of Saskia from the Netherlands, Carli from the United States and Lara from Canada, take a few minutes now and learn about the tools that have been most impactful in their journeys.
Resource Webinar
Download the slides from this quarters resource webinar here to learn more about the NORD assistance program which can cover the first three years of your membership and use code IFOPA for 25% off IDs* through 12/31/21
For more information about the program or to share your experience as an advocate, please contact IFOPA Family Services Manager Hope Newport or Family Services Coordinator Melissa Davis.
Read more about The Advocacy Series.