Understanding and Supporting Your Child Through Trauma: Part 2

May 10, 2024 at 1:00pm - 2:30pm Eastern Time (US & Canada)

In the second of three sessions in this series, we will examine the stages and steps of healing for children (those living with FOP as well as their siblings) in the FOP community who have experienced trauma.

For many children with FOP and their siblings, trauma is an unfortunate, and at times unavoidable, part of childhood. Whether that trauma is the result of a medical experience, a loss of movement or occurs by witnessing or interacting with a medically compromised sibling, it can have lasting effects on the individual. This three-part series will focus on the impact and stages of healing for children who experience trauma, as well as ways for caregivers to manage stress reactions and safeguard themselves from emotional exhaustion.

It is encouraged to attend all three sessions, but not necessary.

Presenting the series is our guest speaker Susan Dannen. Susan is a Licensed Independent Social Worker with over 25 years of experience in the mental health field.

Professional translation will be available based on participant interest so register early.
AI (artificial intelligence) translation will be available. Click the registration link for a full list of languages.

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