The opportunity awaits to take part in a joy-filled, inclusive camp experience at Weekend Family Camp in the summer of 2024.
The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp provides a “different kind of healing” in a joy-filled, inclusive community where children living with serious conditions and their loved ones are not alone in their challenges.
In the summer of 2024, families in the United States with a child who has FOP, between the ages of 5 and 15, will have the chance to attend a Weekend Family Camp in Queenstown, Maryland. Activities for all ages will focus on fun and connection — not FOP! Check out this short video to learn more about the work of The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp.
More than entertainment, the experience provides a safe place where camp-goers like FOP community member Jasmin (pictured right at Camp) can let down their guard, explore interests and find strength in an understanding community.
“It’s incomparable to anything else. Being surrounded by the incredibly uplifting Camp staff and other families who ‘get it’ can be life-changing,” she said. “Camp helped me grow into myself, discover my passions, know my worth and find my voice.”
From arts & crafts to woodshop to outdoor adventures and so much more, each activity offers a special chance to make memories and build friendships — all in a safe and accepting environment.
“The staff will always meet you where you are,” Jasmin said. “I remember playing an icebreaker game where we passed around an object. I couldn’t physically participate, but we made a simple adjustment, so everyone still had fun. I felt included, especially because everything was handled in a way where I didn’t stand out.”
In addition to adaptive activities, the Camp includes a medical facility. Although parents and caregivers are responsible for the daily care of their children, doctors and nurses are available in the case of a medical emergency.
“Camp is like a safe haven, a sanctuary, a home away from home,” Jasmin said. “There’s an indescribable energy that will stay with you long after you leave. We have a much-loved saying: you can leave Camp, but Camp never leaves you.”
The Weekend Family Camp includes lodging, meals and daily activities, free of charge. Travel support is available on an as-needed basis.
For more information or to join the interest list complete this brief survey!