Advancing FOP Research Together
Our FOP families are the best fundraisers and ambassadors! This year, we hope you’ll help us get the word out about the 2022 In Pursuit of a Cure Campaign and reach our ambitious goal of raising $525,000 to support:
Gene therapy research for the treatment of FOP
Education and support for clinical trials, including STOPFOP, a clinical trial being held in The Netherlands, Germany and the United Kingdom
Lots of Ways to Get Involved
Your energy and support keep FOP research moving forward. As a member of our FOP family, you know we won’t stop until we reach our shared vision of “A cure for FOP, accessible worldwide.”
Here are a few ideas for spreading the word:
Share social posts about In Pursuit of a Cure with your network
Update your profile pic with our special In Pursuit of a Cure images
Share the new invitation flyer and invite your family and friends to join you on September 29 or 30
Set up your own fundraising page (Check out step-by-step instructions)
Contribute to the campaign and help get us off to a strong start