An Intro to Resiliency Webinar

Join us for the Intro to Resiliency Webinar

The FOP community is fortunate to have an amazing team of experts to help address medical needs. We are excited to launch the Resilient Living Program to focus on the emotional, social and psychological challenges that come along with FOP. To read the news article on this new program visit:

Please join us on Tuesday, April 23 for an IFOPA webinar to learn about the foundation of the resiliency framework and the future opportunities to benefit from this framework through the IFOPA. The webinar will be presented by Hayley Stolzle, Resilience Program Coordinator at Turning Point and Hope Newport, Family Services Manager at the IFOPA. 

Register here: An Introduction to Resiliency and the IFOPA's Resiliency Training Program

Tuesday, April 23, 12-1 pm Eastern/11-12 am Central/10-11 am Mountain/9-10 am Pacific

 **The webinar will only be available live in English. A recording of the webinar will be available at a later date and subtitles can be translated to a variety of different languages.

This program is funded by a Global Genes RARE Patient Impact Grant.

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