Personalized Emergency Medical Resource for Families


Provide critical care and personalized medical information for medical professionals in one, easy to read document.

The IFOPA, in collaboration with International Clinical Council (ICC) on FOP medical professionals and ICC Executive Associate Amanda Cali, have updated a valuable medical tool for FOP community members to use in this time of COVID-19 and beyond.

This medical brochure provides vital care instructions, resource links and critical medical information specific to the person with FOP that will assist any medical professional in providing you the best care possible in a medical situation.

We encourage every FOP person to customize a medical brochure for themselves (fill in the blanks), print, and fold. Consider these 4 helpful tips for using this resource as effectively as possible.

  1. You should revisit your medical brochure regularly for updating, even set a reminder on your calendar to update your medical brochure every 4-6 months.
  2. Keep a copy of your medical brochure in your car, backpack, handbag, wallet, home, office, school and even on your cell phone at ALL times in case of an emergency.
  3. Make sure you have a copy, your partner has one, and your caretakers have one.  
  4. Leaving a copy of your medical brochure on your refrigerator in an envelope marked for medical emergency - would be the best so anyone, anytime, can grab this customized information in a medical emergency.

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